1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
#1- In the bathroom at Terget in Bountiful. I was on my lunch break. Yeah, I'm not the "wait for morning pee" type.
#2- Gorgeous pink trailer in Cane Beds
#3- Bathroom at Bloomington Walmart...again, not a patient woman.
2- Who was with you?
#1- Nobody
#2- Nobody. I thought it was negative and then Jade got home and I checked it one more time before I told him...lo and behold, it was positive.
#3- Some lady wearing sneakers. I didn't tell her though...
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant?
#1- My pants quit fitting and I was STARVING all the time.
#2- My nose got fat...AGAIN
#3- Everyone else was pregnant, so I figured what the heck, I might as well take a test.
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregn ant?
#1- Super excited! Tried for two years to get pregnant.
#2- Excited, but embarrassed, too because I thought they were really close together. I hadn't actually done the math yet:)
#3- Again, excited, but it was bittersweet because I knew this was probably the last one we would have, and I love being pregnant.
5- Your Husbands reacton? Jade was low key, as always, each time I told him. He was always happy, though.
6- Who was the first perso n you told?
#1- One of the ladies with whom I worked at the fabric store. She guessed that there was something going on when I got back to work and could't quit grinning and would burst into random bouts of "the giggles".
#2- Jade
#3- Jade
7- Did you plan to get pregnant? Yes, No, Yes
8- Was everybody happy for you? Yes!
10- Did you go out and celebrate? Nope. Like I said, Jade's pretty low key. Oh, yeah, when I was pregnant with Jaden, my mom took me right out and bought me maternity clothes.
11- Did you want to find out the sex? Yes!! I didn't want to find out with Maya, but Jade doesn't like surprises, so we did anyway.
12- What was the sex? Both girls
13- Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yeah, I had two with Jaden, and then three with Maya. I'm pretty spoiled!
14- If yes, who?
#1- My mom gave me a SURPRISE shower with Jaden. I had been at Lagoon all day and was exhauseted, puffy, and half dressed. I walked into the living room and there were twenty people waiting for me. How embarrasing! It was a blast, though. Momma Larie also gae me a shower in St. George.
#3- My mom, The Park Mommies, and My young womens (church group) presidency.
15- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? Yeah, Jade's little sister, Daina, gave me a little yellow dress for Jaden. I don't know what that was about...
16- How much weight did you gain?
#1- 70 lbs
#2- 65 lbs
#3- 40 lbs... And I kept ten stinkin' lbs from each one!
17- Did you loose all of the weight that you gaine d? Uh, NO
18- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? Yeah, I think there are a lot of them, but I guess I'm not very objective...
19- What did you crave the most?
#1- Macaroni and cheese, YUCK! I've always hated that stuff, so when I was craving it I put off eating it for a few months and then gave it a try...still YUCK! Oh, and that's when I was converted to fry sause. I practically drank it! And raisinettes, and Bic Macs, and chicken nuggets (you see where that 70 lbs came from)
#2- I can't remember...
#3- SPICY! It was the only food that didn't make me sick! The spicier the better!
20- Did you crave anything crazy? Yeah, most of it was crazy at the time I was craving it. I thought I was going to starve to death when I couldn't get a big mac at seven in the morning!
21- Who or what got on your nerves the most? Jade. That poor guy couldn't seem to do anything right, and then I would start balling and tell him how sorry I was. (he was actually awesome...it was all me!!)
22- Were you married at the time? Yep. Happily ever after!
23- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
#1- Nope
#2- Not during the pregnancy, but my uterus inverted when I delivered Gabe and I went into shock so fast that they couldn't give me any pain medication ( I didn't have an epidural). I kept kicking poor Dr. Thompson because he wouldn't "just leave me alone and let me rest" (said in a crazy, maniacal voice while being held down by the nurses)
#3- Nope. Business as usuall
24- Where were you when you went into labor? I was always at home (chugging the castor oil and blue cohosh).
25- Did your water break? Nope. And I was so geared up for that part, too! What a disappointment...
26- Who drove you to the hospital? Jade
Where is # 27?
28- Did you go early or late? Early all three times. Only a couple of days, though.
29- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth?
#1- Jade, my mom, Momma Larie, and my sister Lizz.
#2- Jade and Momma Larie. And Apryl was there part of the time.
#3- Jade, Momma Larie, and Lori
30- Was it video taped? The first one was, but the other two weren't.
31- Did you have any drugs for the pain? Yes, no, yes.
32- Did you go Natural or have a c-section? Natural
33- What was your first reaction after giving birth?
#1- I was still pretty chill from the narcotic, so I just closed my eyes and chilled some more. I figured someone else could handle it from here, right :)
#2- It was a little crazy....I can't remember much after that whole fiasco!
#3- Is it really a girl?!?! Finally!
34- How big was the baby?
#1- 7 lbs. 11 oz.
#2- 7 lbs. 12 oz.
#3- 8 lbs. 3 oz.
35- Did your Husband cry? I think he cried with Jaden, then he cried when he realized there was something wrong after Gabe was born. I don't remember with Maya.
36- What did you name the baby?
#1- Jaden Noah
#2- Cage Somethingorother which got changed to Gabriel Ragains the next day
#3- Maya Elizabeth
37- Did the baby have any complications? No, No, and Jaundice with Maya
38- How old is the baby today? Jaden is 5, Gabe is 3, and Maya is almost ten months.
39- When is the next one coming? I don't know the answer to that one. Probably a mid-life-crisis baby in a few years.
41-If you could, would you do it all over again? Heck yeah! I'm pretty good at having babies. Its all that stuff that comes after that I need help with!
Alright, you know who you are. I tag YOU! I want every juicy detail from all my mommy friends!
Love it! You are so funny!
fun read! just stopping in to say hi! hope all is good with you!
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