Monday, September 22, 2008

Chris & Nick

These are some new pictures of my SUPER CUTE nephews, Chris and Nick. You can't really see Chris's face, but they're twins, so ya seen one, ya seen 'em all!

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Necha said...

I have a question...on your blog you have a section called "My Blog List" where it tells you everyone's lastest blogs...How do I get that on mine!? I think it's so cool! Thanks!!

Parkinson Family said...

Excuse me Dorothy! We are still not on your blog friend list! I thought we were friends!:) I'll remind you of our address again... This is Crystal, Jade's cuz! Love ya girl!

Celeste said...

Hey Dot,
I just stumbled across your blog. It's way cute. I love the pics of your kids! I would invite you to my blog but I don't know your email address. I have a hotmail email that is celestefarr, if you want to email me I'll send you an invite. By the Way this is Celeste Hunt.